Hello, I'm Tasnim! A computer science student and

full stack 

About Me

My names Tasnim Ferdous. I'm a third-year computer science student at Farmingdale State College, NY, with a passion for building scalable and efficient backend systems. My primary focus, especially career-wise, is backend development where I'm pursuing interests in distributed systems, high-performance computing, and API development. Alongside that, I also occasionally dabble in full-stack development.

On campus, I hold leadership roles across various organizations—primarily the Artificial Intelligence Club @ FSC where I, along with my fellow officers, have built an active community of 50+ members for those with a shared interest in A.I.

When I'm not coding, you can find me going on long-distance runs, playing video games, traveling, or learning a new skill for fun (lately, creative coding).


Software Engineer Intern - ML Team

Arthrex | May - November 2024
  • Led the full stack development of an in-house data analytics platform and built RESTful APIs for the retrieval and near real-time visualization of data from 11,000+ medical device suites by using Vue, TypeScript, Chart.js, ApexCharts.
  • Developed a secure backend with Node.js and Express, efficiently handling 45 million medical device-emitted records from AWS S3 and Athena, with integrated JWT authentication and RBAC authorization middleware.
  • Achieved 95%+ code coverage in full stack unit testing leveraging Vitest and Jest, and designed a parallelized CI/CD pipeline for automated build, test, and deployment processes.

Artificial Intelligence Club President

Farmingdale State College | December 2023 - Present
  • Built an active community of 60+ members on campus by leading a board of 5 officers, organizing bi-weekly presentations and coding workshops with a 70% average turnout rate.
  • Hosted a machine learning engineer and Cornell-alumni guest speaker on responsible A.I. to over 130 attendees through collaboration with FSC’s Supporting Women in Computing club and campus-wide event promotion.

Computer Science Peer Tutor

Farmingdale State College | August 2023 - May 2024
  • Tutored university-level programming courses to over 40 active students per semester, providing personalized support for subjects such as Java Programming I and II, and Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • Created over 100 custom practice questions and 3 comprehensive mock exams across three courses to reinforce key computer science concepts for students while improving problem-solving skills and exam performance.


FluxFlux is a work-in-progress distributed event streaming and message queue platform engineered for high throughput, maximal scalability, and fault-tolerance.
genesisGenesis is a highly performant, fully distributed storage engine written in pure Golang. Especially engineered for write performance, it can easily handle 104,000+ writes/second. On top of that, with its distributed architecture, it can support hunderds of concurrent, fault-tolerant nodes (shards) with efficient data rebalancing—providing easy horiziontal scalability.
Unity WalletUnity Wallet is a modern solution for families looking to teach financial responsibility among their children by using virtual cash cards to keep track of account balances and spending habits. Built with Java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, PostgreSQL and tested with JUnit.
KinetiSenseKinetiSense is a full-stack, advanced pose recognition software that can track body movements with very high accuracy and provide real-time analytics—usable with any computer webcam. Built with Python, OpenCV, Mediapipe, Flask, HTML/CSS/JavaScript. 1st place winner @ FSC's Inaugural Hackathon 2023.
UnoFully functional desktop-app clone of the popular card game, Uno. Built from scratch using Java and JavaFX. Created as the final project for my Computer Programming II course, it comes equipped with a psuedo-AI opponent to play against and a large suite of features to keep the gameplay engaging and interactive.
